Home Events - WWOOF Italia courses from our networks Anatomy, physiology and pruning of fruit trees


Fabio di Gioia


Jan 10 2023


9:00 pm - 11:00 pm


30.00 €

Anatomy, physiology and pruning of fruit trees

the course will be held online on the Google Meet platform by the Doctor. Fabio Di Gioia – Specialized in the Recovery and Enhancement of Ancient Plant Varieties. The course fee is €30. Duration of each lesson about 2 hours. For information and registration, contact: Fabio Di Gioia – cell. 3496603420; e-mail. fabio_digioia@libero.it Iban coordinates on which to make the payment of the fee: IT98T0306937966000000012991 made out to Fabio Di Gioia. Reason: Registration fee for the course on anatomy, physiology and pruning of fruit trees. Once enrolled in the course, please provide both a telephone contact and an e-mail to send the teaching material. Following payment by e-mail, the link to access the lessons will be sent. Course participants will also be provided with complete teaching material, including all the topics that will be covered during the lessons. At the end of the course, there will also be a practical pruning lesson in the field (to be agreed with the students).

Anatomy, physiology and fruit tree pruning courses

Courses of anatomy, physiology and fruit tree pruning