Home Events - WWOOF Italia courses from our networks Fundamentals and Practices of Peasant Agro-ecology
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Casa del Popolo La Montanina
Circolo Arci La Montanina, SP55, Montebeni, FI


Sep 30 2023 - Oct 04 2023


Tutto il giorno

Fundamentals and Practices of Peasant Agro-ecology

Study days from Saturday, September 30 to Wednesday, October 4, 2023

First session: days September 30-October 1, 2023
Casa del Popolo La Montanina, via di Montebeni 5, Fiesole
The number of participants is open

Second field session: October 2, 3 and 4, 2023 in agricultural realities of the area
Closed number: 20 registrants who have attended the first session

Registration: By July 30. € 50.00 for each of the first two days, € 300.00 for the last 3 days in the field. Half of the fees must be paid by Sept. 1 and the balance by Sept. 25. For students on the first 2 days, a fee reduction is possible.

Request the registration form from nuovagricolturacontadina@gmail.com

Registrants will be sent a detailed program with payment arrangements; info of how to get there; a list of the nearest B&Bs. There is room in the tent and about 15 people in the house with sleeping bags.

Attached is the presentation of the Course : montanina course


industrial vs. regenerative

industrial vs. regenerative