*Volunteer and Salaried* – Friday, June 28 – Caves of Labante
*10 a.m. opening and interactive workshop on money* group activity to process the topic personally and collectively
*1:00 p.m. lunch with free offering to support the ReteAppenninica project
*14.30 Volunteer or wage earner? Concrete experiences and realities compared*
–> Casa Bettola-Casa Cantoniera Autogestita /Reggio Emilia(https://m.facebook.com/casabettola.casacantonieraautogestita/)
–> CIURMA – Integrated Urban and Rural Mutual Support Community/Pesaro and Urbino(https://ciurma.org/)
*16.00 creative tables* outline concrete steps for our groups and in the Bolognese Apennines
*17.30 conclusion*
The event is free and offered by the Apennine Network. Followed and designed by the Economies Circle, facilitated and led by Cinzia and Cecilia from the Cingiallegre commune and Lapo, facilitator and trainer.
** It will develop into a participatory and interactive course, so attendance is appreciated throughout the meeting. |