LA TERRA TREMA – THE EARTH SHAKES Fierce fair of wines, foods, relationships
Fierce fair
Each year La Terra Trema (The Earth Shakes) welcomes farmers and agriculture, quality wines and winemakers, and resilient peasants from all over Italy for a three-day event of individual and guided tastings; public debates and discussions; informal meetings with producers; direct purchases; concerts, screenings, and zero food chain dinners.
La Terra Trema is a food and wine fair recognized in Italy and Europe, carried out in absolute self-management, without sponsors or patronage. A project-event capable of giving a small but decisive shake-up to the world of wine and agriculture every year.
“The guys – to me they are – at Leoncavallo host (and here the word has total value since it is not moved by the slightest private interest) the winemakers, I repeat, best and best known, and those, also best, but not yet known.
Each of them-and first and foremost it goes without saying, my readers and friends-are invited to participate. It will be an entirely new fair; wines from all parts of Italy will be tasted there. We will celebrate life.”
(Luigi Veronelli, on the occasion of the first edition of t/Terra e libertà / Critical Wine at Leoncavallo, December 2003)
The Earth Shakes | Fierce Fair of Wines, Foods, Relationships will take place on Nov. 24/25/26, 2023 at Leoncavallo Self-Managed Public Space, a land of conflict and autonomy still under eviction in a metropolis, Milan, that, despite proclamations and window dressing, increasingly pushes dissent, differences, poverty out of itself. Milan magma that buries, homogenizes, generates alienation and inequality, and which no one spares.