efisio fois cantiere

Self-construction in green building with local materials

by | Jul 31, 2023 | Classifieds

A call for help from San Vito (CA) dedicated to those who want to learn the Adobe technique (earth and straw)

Hello in our company Si Giogadroxiu rural cultures we are self-building a green building with only local materials and accessible techniques. At this time we are making earth and straw adobes, the traditional ladiris of Sardinia.

We are asking for help from those who would like to learn ancient but still current construction techniques.

We work a few hours a day only in the cooler hours, for the rest you can go to the nearby Feraxi Sea or stay in the cooler parts of the land.

We have no buildings for now but can accommodate in tents on comfortable wooden platforms in the forest set up for camping. We self-produce almost all of our food.

Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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