
A call to “substitute” on the farm

by | Sep 8, 2023 | Classifieds, from our networks

Francesco needs a short holiday

Hello, I am a Host in Sabina (Lazio, near Farfa). I am searching for a person or a couple to help me with animals, vegetable plot and plants. I will be away from 14-09 afternoon to 26-09.
If you arrive a few days earlier, I can teach you how to handle the animals and a minimum of maintenance.
You may use the house and the kitchen and enjoy the produce from the garden and the flour that I make. This time of year there are sure to be plenty of figs to pick and eat.

The work required is simple and takes little time, about three hours a day.
I have two mares, two pigs, two hens, a dog and five cats, three of which are puppies.
I live in a scenic spot amidst centuries-old olive trees rich in history, where one can go for pleasant walks and fully connect with the natural world in a quiet atmosphere away from main roads and city life.

Contact me as soon as possible for info and arrangements.

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