Villa Prelato - Fano

WWOOF Italy 2024 Gathering

Feb. 29-March 3


WWOOF Italia

From Feb. 29 to March 3, the ANNUAL GATHERING of WWOOF Italy members will be held.

at the facilities of Villa Prelato , Fano (PU).


To celebrate together another year of rural everyday life, initiatives, projects, evolutions and transformations of the big family WWOOF Italy. A family that expands as numbers and at the same time seeks to expand its horizons, acquiring greater capacity to positively read and incorporate the processes of the world, while remaining connected to its identity and, indeed, seeking to revive it.All this condensed into three days of stories, comparisons, exchange of experiences and conviviality.

Farmers, Farms, Nature, Community

A title, a political program, a vision. These four elements will be the compass of the gathering and mirror the current development of our association.

“What does it mean to be Peasant Women today?” a women’s cultural vision-action within our peasant dough.

We live and share daily life in the Farms, which fructify and do not exploit: examples of how, in the empire of machines and money, we engineer ourselves to provide free food in free nature, without ending up in misery, whether by working the fields or by other work at home and outside, such as political, educational, intellectual acts.

As the association defines Natural as a lifestyle choice in agrarian cultivation: encouraging the planting first of woody rows and other areas rich in natural biodiversity. To some extent, dare, in short, to cultivate the fallow, with the thought not of giving land to humans, but humans to a land, with the ecological cautions appropriate for introducing floras and faunas into certain habitats.

A more self-aware Community, in which we self-educate the associative community by acquiring practices that facilitate each other to communicate, to build common ground. Our social world is illustrated in the projects at the fair, in the assembly circle, in conviviality.

Thursday, February 29 starting in the afternoon

Arrivals and logistical accommodation

recommended for those who want to participate in the Friday morning activities.

Friday, March 1

Association activities!

9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


edited by Marta and Elenia
Participation and collective responsibility:
the beating heart of the group

from 15.00 to 19.30


The importance of maintaining and multiplying hedges of local flora.

Peasant girls

Women in agriculture

Saturday, March 2

Annual General Meeting of members

This year’s WWOOF Italy Annual General Meeting will see, in addition to the annual presentation and voting of the financial statements, the renewal of the Board of Arbitrators, the appointment of the Control Body (a novelty required by the reform of the Third Sector) and above all the renewal of the Board of Directors. Serving on the Council is a responsibility but also a gift one gives to the association; it requires knowledge, gained over time, of association dynamics. Applications are open, if anyone feels the urge to put themselves forward for this role, they are welcome.

Morning from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

WWOOF Italia Members’ General Assembly

  • Presentation of budgets (final 2023 and budget 2024) and vote
  • Board of Directors presentation.
  • Renewal of the Board of Arbitrators
  • Appointment of Controlling Body

Association activity updates

  • New ways for members to communicate with each other,
  • Board Community

Afternoon from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Sustainability of an agricultural project

In search of personal sustainability,
natural and economic working with the land

Peasant Guardians of the Marche

With Ambra Micheletti,
Coordinator of the Marche guardian farmers project

7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Election of the board of directors

Handover between current board and new board

    Memorable dinner,
    Those who have already participated know what we are talking about….


    From 9 p.m.

    Party in music with Vicus!


    Sunday, March 3

    Products and projects at the fair

    9:30 a.m.

    Closing circle Goodbye!!!

    Farmers’ market
    WWOOF Italia
    And proud of related projects and realities.

    A small fair of interesting initiatives from WWOOF Italy and other associations concerned with community, sustainability and ecology, will flank the usual market of our farmerproducts, seed exchange with booths.

    Short thematic lectures

    During the morning we will have a chance to talk about:
    – Presidio Seminasiepi
    – Banquet gathering sources shepherd destination
    – Animal Harmonies
    – Good practices
    – Civic Uses
    – The report of the Agroecology Europe Forum
    – Common Interest Spaces: Educating Communities

    Some manufacturers have planned to open reservations for proposed products to be picked up during the gathering.
    Click for availability

    • For those who prefer it, it will be possible to stay overnight in a tent.
    • The kitchen staff will prepare the meals
    • Volunteer shifts will be shared for the management of cleaning, canteen service and dishes.
    • Participation is free! Anyone who wants can contribute with a free offer

    Useful materials for the Annual Meeting

    Final Budget 2023


    Board Community details


    Cortona meeting report


    Online registrations

    Thanks to all participants who made it possible for us to organise the gathering in good time.
    If you want to take part in the gathering please write to or call the office at 0565 1933282, we will try to make it possible to you to partecipate..

    Help us support the Gathering 2024!
    If you think the proposal is valid, you can support it…

    by making a donation

    The contribution is voluntary. To give you an indication, know that the daily per capita cost that the association incurs is about 25€.



    Bank transfer

    Banca Etica, Florence branch 07 in the name of: WWOOF Italia Association

    How to get to the gathering
    at Villa Prelato, Fano

    on foot

    You can walk to the meeting place. You can ask for any info in the registration form.

    by train

    Arrive at Fano station. We will organize a shuttle service or you can then reach us on foot in about 1 hour.

    by car

    Get organized with other members or write in the Registration Form if you want to find or offer rides