
National School of Shepherding

by | Jul 13, 2022 | Courses, from our networks, Training

First field tests in Lombardia and Piemonte.

Acquire skills in sustainable agricultural methods for handling grazing (with cattle, sheep and goats), animal nutrition and the organoleptic characteristics of production, as well as the main techniques for artisanal cheese-making and meat processing. Become part of an exchange network between researchers and shepherds.

picture from Il Riformista

This is the opportunity that SNAP, the National School of Shepherding, offers to 15 ‘aspiring shepherds’ over 18 years old, from all over Italy with the initiative ‘Training and Accompaniment for Young Shepherds’ promoted by  Rete Rurale Nazionale and Riabitare with the contribution of the Fondazione Cariplo. The selected candidates will take part in a free 10-day training and discussion session on shepherding as an opportunity for sustainable development in mountain areas, they will be provided with free board and lodging for the period of their stay. The programme, full of interesting opportunities for interaction with experts in agricultural and social innovation. It will be held from 26 September to 7 October 2022 in the province of Cuneo, with operational support from tutor companies in Valle Stura di Demonte and Agenform’s Moretta workshops.

15 July is the deadline (new deadline) for partecipating in this free course: canadidates can apply by following the instructions in the call for applications found here:

A maximum of 15 places are available, 10 of which are reserved for candidates from the provinces of Cuneo, Verbano, Cusio, Ossola and Pavia. The students will be inserted in a mentoring scheme to assist in the development of a business idea/design for the start-up/consolidation of their own activity

For information please contact Francesco di Meglio

349 1771634



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