let's change agriculture NL


by | Jan 22, 2024 | from our networks

the January Newsletter

“Seed law reform: a path that requires participation”

Edited by Gea Galluzzi for Rural Seeds Network with a link to the European campaign petition “Your Voice for Diversity!” in which the petitioners call on members of the European Parliament and EU agriculture ministers to ensure that the new seed law promotes the cultivation and circulation of agrobiodiversity and lays the groundwork for building resilient and diverse seed, agriculture and food systems.

Restoration Law:‘Agroecology will help us cut emissions’

Interview with Paolo Barberi by Pasquale Raicaldo: “Important answers for the planet can come from agriculture, and it is an opportunity that Italy cannot miss. The reduction of CO2 and carbon capture and storage in the soil, with the aim of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, are goals to strive for in the immediate future, taking advantage of the development of technologies and, focusing on theregenerative agriculture, away from the paradigm of monocultures, which deplete the soil and require pervasive use of pesticides, primarily glyphosate.”

the #changeagriculture coalition.

Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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let's change agriculture NL