perrotta greenhouse

Up with the New Life!

by | Feb 17, 2024 | from our networks, Help Requests

I need some help with my new settlement

I recently moved to a pleasant place in the hills of Grosseto. A few months ago I signed up for WWOOF Italy, but as you know, in the winter, requests are scarce, and I find myself facing a number of interventions on my own that would need help.

Podere Volare is a small operation devoted to self-sufficiency, but the wonderful proximity to wildlife requires protecting the chicken coop and vegetable garden more than anywhere else. Does anyone have the pleasure to help me complete the fencing and then, if everything works out, build the greenhouse and tractor shed?

In our free time, which I gladly devote to good food, we will also take a few walks to the spa.

If you are interested please contact me from the profile! I am waiting for you



Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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perrotta greenhouse