
Fall Gathering 2024

by | Aug 9, 2024 | Featured News

After meeting in Rassecale (AV) last year, the fall gathering is moving back north. This year we will be hosted by Piergiorgio and Cristina, two of our longtime members from the Veneto region, who have been animating their area with themes and projects dear to us for many years. We will meet from Friday, September 27 to Sunday, September 29 at the farm The Rosemary, which is located near Marcon, in the province of Venice.


As every year, the meeting is open to all members but is dedicated in particular to those who have chosen to have a more active role within the association: the coordinators but also those who have made themselves available to support the board in the planning and strategic decisions of WWOOF Italy. This year’s central theme will be precisely coordination, to understand how it has changed over the years and decide together how to make it evolve in the future. At certain times, we will also be joined by a facilitator who will lend a hand in bringing out everyone’s voices, to further increase participation and understand how everyone imagines themselves in playing such an important role for the association.

A working group, formed within the Board Community, is working on defining the program: we will share it as soon as it is ready, along with the practicalities of registration and participation.

In the meantime, mark the date and place: there are really a lot of topics to talk about and decisions to be made.


Pubblicato da Fabrizio per WWOOF Italia

Sono socio attivo di WWOOF Italia come coordinatore locale e affianco lo staff nelle relazioni sul territorio. Per contattarmi:


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