La Tabacca products

Francesca and Giorgia talk about La Tabacca

by | Jan 20, 2022 | Our members

These are complex years that put us to the test, and only by sharing hope, reflection and practices will we be able to benefit from them.

That is why Francesca and I are keeping you up to date on what is happening on the La Tabacca farm. A part of the house has been renovated using bio-construction and we are about to embark on the new building site which will consist of a study, a bedroom, two bathrooms and restoration of the outdoor space for future activities.

Sowing preparations

Our team of ecological consultants is working hard to determine all that is necessary to qualify for the available bonuses and to maintain the principles we defined 10 years ago: closed cycles for resource management, minimal environmental impact, use of local materials, maintenance of biodiversity and soil fertility. Even the agricultural part begun this year has been reinforced with 200 fruit trees donated by the 0CO2 company, this is new produce obtained from the cleaning of the terraces that were previously woodland and have been cultivated during summer. 

We have welcomed Frank, a Nigerian boy, who through the Terra Madre project is undergoing an apprenticeship and in April will receive a small contract that will enable him to start a new life. In order to meet the costs of activating the work contract, we have joined the Humus job network which will allow us to share the costs with a nearby farm, guaranteeing Frank a decent work contract and us to streamline our expenses.

As hosts we have noticed that the requests from young woofers have changed. They are mainly local or regional and we consider this as a positive change because it reinforces the social fabric of the area and also our investment: from the training perspective it can become for some people a small job opportunity for the future. Many activities have been carried out this year, including summer camps, social projects, cultural events and training courses on topics that are dear to us: ecology, resource management, sustainable agriculture, and the many young people we have met. We participated in the “ Donne e sostenibilità ” award organised by ISTAT and were awarded a special mention 🙂 This year’s novelty is the preparation of processed products developed as part of social projects that in a circular fashion support other ongoing projects, of which I have attached a presentation. Let’s keep up to date with so many activities waiting for us next year!!! Giorgia , Francesca and the Tabacca team


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La Tabacca products