drought in Val di Susa

Drought emergency!

by | Aug 5, 2022 | from our networks

the appeal of nine associations for climate crisis adaptation

«The current severe water crisis is undoubtedly part of the ongoing epochal climate and ecological crisis, and as such must be approached in a structural manner, by dealing with the causes and not running after the symptoms: we must therefore avoid emergency responses and analyse the problem carefully in order to find solutions”.
This is the appeal that the associationsi Cipra Italia, Cirf, Club alpino italiano – Cai, Federazione Nazionale Pro Natura, Free Rivers Italia, Legambiente, Lipu, Mountain Wilderness and WWF Italia launched today reminding that the climate crisis and drought answers to no one, not even the government crisis. Political action that goes beyond the emergency with the implementation of effective ‘ordinary plans’. Therefore, today the associations are re-launching what for them are seven key measures on which it is essential to work in order to go well beyond the emergency and which the next new executive will have to address immediately.

Drought, January 2022 among the driest in history Agriculture in a tailspin by FruitBookMagazine

Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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drought in Val di Susa