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Female internship at Capra Fenice

by | Jan 23, 2023 | Classifieds, job requests and offers, Our members

stable and dairy assistant

at Capra Fenice we are looking for an intern for an 8-month contract.

In Abruzzo, in the hills of Tortoreto in the province of Teramo, we have a farm called ‘La Capra Fenice’ that rears goats and processes milk in the dairy. We are looking for a figure (a woman for housing logistics issues) to be included in the staff in the tasks of stable assistant and dairy assistant, with an internship contract for the months from March to October (included). In addition to the contract, board and lodging are offered.

It is useful to know that specific experience is not necessary but it is essential to underline that it is an activity that requires physical prowess, concentration and dedication: to ensure serenity for the goats and kids but also quality and safety for those who eat the dairy products. We guarantee careful training that can be used to undertake a similar activity or as a significant experiential baggage.

For further information, please contact us via our profile Capra Fenice

the dairy

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