mag6-l'approvazione del finanziamento

Janas – an initiative to support

by | Feb 21, 2023 | from our networks, Our members, Projects of WWOOF Italy

a good example of a territorial network – one of the multiple potentials for collaboration between MAG6 and WWOOF Italy

Some time ago Eleonora called us from Porano to share a moment of difficulty: the entrepreneurial initiative that she has shared with Ivan for years was going through an apparently difficult impasse to resolve. The main office of the activities, the one where Janas’s catering and sales activities take place but also the educational and collective market activities, had been put up for sale and at that time it was not possible to make the purchase with the available resources.

Thoughts immediately went to MAG6 which is a refined creator of brilliant solutions.
One difficulty, however, appeared immediately evident: the distance. MAG6 is by definition a local initiative aimed at expressing its best in its chosen territory, Emilia.

However, the WWOOF Italia assembly in Fano was imminent and at that juncture it would have been possible to meet and dialogue with Francesco Bifulco and Francesco Annarumi, both hosts in the Janas area: Cinzia Melograno, an expert WWOOFer and at the same time on leave on MAG6 staff.
It didn’t take long to understand that in that corner of the world between the provinces of Terni and Viterbo, the role of Janas in keeping the widespread rural community together and in offering hospitality to one of the most important markets in the area is e will remain central.

Eleonora and Ivan are recognized as indispensable creators of good agricultural and biodiverse practices, but above all of good practices of hospitality and stimulus for anyone who gravitates around their habitat.
The distance from Reggio Emilia was thus overcome, also thanks to the presence of a mutual friend, Antonio Lo Fiego who, with Arcoiris, has a long tradition with the fields in which Ivan reproduces seeds and with the splendid buffets set up with skill by Eleonora when it’s time to share the results of the trials with the wider community. The common collaboration with Rete Semi Rurali (Rural Seed Network) has done the rest and mutual trust has been consolidated over time.

Thus began the preliminary investigation phase which led to the verification of the financial sustainability of the project but above all to the recognition of its value in the social and relational economy of the community.
The well-attended meeting at the end of November ratified the widespread need for Janas to continue to live for the well-being of those present and of others who, although absent at the time, expressed their strong interest in the project: it was thus possible for the board of directors of MAG6 to gather the concrete solidarity of the local community and subscribe to the loan that will allow Eleonora and Ivan to proceed with the purchase of their workplace.

The strength of the community and of the relationship networks has made it possible to cross geographical boundaries and to enhance a project that will find new impetus for renewal and solidity.

The widespread rural community market hosted by Janas

Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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mag6-l'approvazione del finanziamento