olive crop francaviglia

Olive land in Savona seeks tenant farmer.

by | Jun 15, 2023 | Classifieds, Houses and Plots of Land

I am Maria Carla, manager of a small organic farm on the outskirts of Savona.

Olive grower, tenacious in pursuing the recovery of long abandoned land, I am working hard in restoring dry stone walls .

The work done over the past few years is beginning to show some good signs with a decent return on product . I intersperse purely seasonal work with other work concerning maintenance such as piling stone for dry stone walls.

These photos during one of three cleanups done in the olive grove, which lacks a continuation of maintenance and fails to become fully productive.

A good cleanup was done last year, but because of that, now there is lush recovery of the wild, the one who takes the lead is the broom. I know there are some small entities that use it. If I could contact them…there would truly be something for everyone. And they would only please me.

Age does not allow me to take over the conduction for much longer, and my family members are not interested in taking it over. I am looking for someone interested in a long-term arrangement to whom I can entrust the land.
It could be a person interested in creating a small space for self-sufficiency in food or an olive grower in the area who needs to expand his business.

Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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olive crop francaviglia