
When is Gino coming?

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Associative life, How to, Messages from the Association

perhaps before Jane but probably after Hugo

A phantasmagorical series of requests and agreements have been made. What could be more pleasant!

“A couple of young engineers should arrive in time for the grape harvest, as soon as Enzo and Romina have left and have helped to stack the stock of wood for the oven. “

All is fine and well as long as the appointments are in order. What happens if we find ourselves without enough beds for everyone during the replenishing of wood and alone for the grape harvest?

It is best to keep messages in order; with the accepted* and confirmed* ones in plain view and the expired or declined ones in the archive*. Preventing unpleasant overlapping or misunderstandings leads to a more enjoyable overall experience

All messages also come to your personal inbox (the one with which your profile is registered) but taking some time to check messages directly on the site helps to avoid problems.

Please contact in case of any difficulties.


When requests are accepted

Once you have established an exchange on your mutual motivations and expectations, use the accept button at the bottom of the page.

The WWOOFer’s confirmation

Once the request has been accepted, it is the WWOOFer’s turn to click on the confirmation button. Once this step is completed, the agreement is formally concluded and a commitment is made. At this point, it is worth keeping an eye on thecalendar with your commitments. .

Filing messages

Over time, messages accumulate and reading them can become complicated unless a few small strategies are adopted


As you can see from this picture, it is possible, using the windows on the top left, to do a search by name, or by ‘status’. Opening that window you can select the messages ‘unanswered’, ‘pending’, ‘accepted’ etc. and also, by clicking on the small icon with three horizontal bars, you can see if there is any message that you have not yet read or select the file in which you have placed the messages that you think it would be useful not to see on the general page.

Messages are added or removed from the archive using the window that opens by clicking on the three vertical dots at the top right of the picture.


Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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