
We are seeking land for farming in the Scandiano area

by | Oct 13, 2023 | Classifieds, from our networks, Houses and Plots of Land

From the friends of Mag6 an urgent appeal.

We have received and are forwarding the appeal put forward by Mag6members, Alle (Alessandro Rocchi) and Mapi from the 🌱AziendaAgricola Binin, which is also on the GAM6GAM6 list..
The appeal can be freely circulated!

“Hi everyone we are Alle and Mapi and we need your help!
We are two farmers producing vegetables and cereals using certified organic methods and we have a small farm in the municipality of Scandiano. In 2021 we joined the RDP to be able to buy our first piece of land where we could grow vegetables. Along with our farm we were also working other rented land. This notice bound us not to decrease the land we worked and to increase the surface area. So far, everything has gone well, but unfortunately, an owner of a plot we were working on, for reasons of his own, without giving us notice, did not renew the lease.
‼️ And now we are in the position of having to find another 3-4 hectares of land for lease by November 11, 2023.
We realise this is a difficult mission but are not losing hope. ‼️If any of you have a plot of land, even a smaller one, and would like to rent it, please contact us. 3465160185. We require a regular contract.We offer seriousness and timely payment of rent.

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