2023 Calendar, send us your pictures!

by | Oct 13, 2022 | Associative life, Blog, Featured News, Initiatives

The drive to obtain material for the WWOOF 2023 calendar has started. We’re looking forward to your contributions!

Once again, this year it will be the international community that will be taking charge of editing the Calendar.
It is a beautiful and powerful means of communicating our activities, our projects, our world made of helpful practicalities for a better future for all.
To collect your contributions and to share pictures taken during your adventures, there is a submission form that will be used for the Calendar, for the next two weeks, and after that for contributions to the Movement’s blogs and WEB pages.


  • Please provide as much information as possible in the “text” field to describe your pictures. We will use this information for captioning.
  • If they are artistic photographs, by all means give us a title.
  • Each experience/theme has only one description, but you can submit multiple pictures.
  • Favor pictures in which people’s faces are clearly visible.
  • Add references of any Hosts, WWOOFers, etc. so they can be mentioned in the descriptions(ask for consent beforehand!).

Pubblicato da Ale per WWOOF Italia

Contadino e Host nello Staff WWOOF Italia mi occupo della comunicazione e delle relazioni tra soci. Per contatti o per proporre nuovi contenuti webmaster@wwoof.it


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