
MAG6 and mutual energy

by | Jul 11, 2023 | from our networks, Initiatives, On the Ground

an invitation to get involved

Deep is the bond of inspiration that connects the spirit of MAG6 with that of WWOOF Italy.

Collaboration has intensified in recent years: from caring in the facilitation of organizational processes related to generational turnover in WWOOF Italy to MAG6 taking charge of the consolidation process of the Janas project and the community that constitutes its constellation.

At these stages, the concept and practice of the shared sustainability which has strengthened the reciprocity and trust between the two organizations and their increasingly intertwined target communities.

Today MAG6 invites WWOOF Italy Members to get involved on a new bet: the Mutual Energy Project

“Feeling akin to the values of the ènostra cooperative, we signed a mutual aid pact to support each other, also involving our partner Bruno Tommasini and his ProgEtico working group.”

Not only for the social base Mag6

We would like this new Mutualistic Energy tool to be used not only by those who are already Mag6 members@, but by all@ who feel close to us, thus avoiding wasting our energies by duplicating identical tools.

The agreement with ènostra includes offers and subsidized rates not only for households but also for those of private companies and third sector entities.

Those interested in learning more

Click on the grain photo to find some more information about the financial and social support project dedicated to Janas


Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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