peasant convergences

Cambiare il Campo – Peasant Convergences.

by | Apr 5, 2024 | from our networks, Initiatives

Tales and views from the Roman days

Unfortunately, the “Cambiare il Campo” days overlapped with the WWOOF gathering in Fano. It would have been nice to have the option of not having to choose!

A few days after the event, at the first useful meeting of the Council of Rete Semi Rurali, a conversation arose from Ada Rossi and Rosario Floriddia’s account of their positive experience in Rome. Similarly positive comments had since come from Elisabetta Monti, who went to Rome for WWOOF Italy.

Ada and Rosario recommended, for a good report, to forward to members the article “Peasant Convergences” by Francesco Paniè. Going to look it up, I found this newsletter from Comune-Info that allows a quick succession reading of Panié’s article to trace back to De Angelis’ “Compagna innovation” and then conclude with Giovanni Pandolfini’s “Compagno drone non mi convinci”.

Read in this order, they confirm the suggestions gathered verbally: an excellent ability to compare and converge even though from very different positions and points of view. A good step forward!

Enjoy the reading, it is worth it. Surely we are only at the beginning of a journey that seems to have all the makings of a lasting one.


Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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peasant convergences