dialogue between members

Do I really have to answer that?

Do I really have to answer that?

We know that, especially in busy times, responding to requests that we cannot accept can seem exhausting: making an effort to show care for Volunteer Members is on the other hand a good and right thing.

Should I leave a review or send a report?

Should I leave a review or send a report?

Public reviews to be effective and respect the spirit of association must be neutral and not offensive in any way. No need to dwell on details, especially if you express your disappointment.

Do I really have to answer that?

Should I confirm the arrangements with the hosts?

Once the Host has accepted the request, you need to pay attention: if you confirm the agreement then the host will expect you to fulfill the commitment made, unless any motivated unforeseen contingencies occur. In case the Hosts accepts your visit request but you decide not to confirm it, you’d rather send an explicit message to the host about not arrivnig at their place. In this way they won’t expect you and they can make arrangements with other WWOOFers for the requested period. Failure to show up for the appointment is in any case inexcusable.

Should I leave a review or send a report?

Review or reporting?

Public reviews to be effective and respect the spirit of association must be neutral and not offensive in any way. No need to dwell on details, especially if you express your disappointment.