Associative life

Do I really have to answer that?

Do I really have to answer that?

We know that, especially in busy times, responding to requests that we cannot accept can seem exhausting: making an effort to show care for Volunteer Members is on the other hand a good and right thing.

Peasant camping in Campania

Peasant camping in Campania

Spending a few days in good company, disconnecting from the daily routine but delving into the issues that are at the center of our lives as farmers: this is the goal of the initiative promoted by some Campania partners and extended to the entire agricultural world...

Italea: a journey in search of roots

Italea: a journey in search of roots

"Cuttings": in Italian called "Talea", a practice by which a plant is allowed to propagate. By severing a part of it and replanting it, it can be given new life, growing new roots: just as happens with migration. From this peasant term takes its name the Italea...

We met in Moncalieri

We met in Moncalieri

We were about 20 people, including hosts, wwoofers as well as several children. R.A.M.’s warm welcome made us perfectly comfortable.

Project F’ORTI!: cultivating vegetable gardens and relationships

Project F’ORTI!: cultivating vegetable gardens and relationships

We gladly share this initiative conceived by the City of Florence and the Florence CR Foundation and led by the Rural Seeds Network and the Tuscan Horticultural Society. The F'ORTI! Project was created with the main objective of creating spaces for citizens to meet...

Discover WWOOF with a beer!

Discover WWOOF with a beer!

AperiWwoof: May 22, 2024 in Scandicci (FI) as part of the 72 Hours of Biodiversity Are you curious about how WWOOFing works? Join us for a special Aperitivo organized by WWOOF Italy APS where you can: Discover peasant agriculture and its appeal Learn about living and...

The WWOOFer list – where to find it… And how to use it?

The WWOOFer list – where to find it… And how to use it?

New things are coming in terms of communication between members: as of April 8, 2024, messaging will have a new feature. Until now, the first contact between members was always only through a visit request sent by the WWOOFer to the host. What if the host is the one...

Aurora recounts her experience of WWOOFing

Aurora recounts her experience of WWOOFing

There are people who experience on themselves how WWOOF is not only a vacation, but also a way to change their lives. Aurora decided to tell about her experience!

Stop New GMOs!!!

Stop New GMOs!!!

Peasant agriculture is under attack.
The ongoing attempt by Italy and the European Union to deregulate new GMOs may soon result in a wave of genetically modified organisms in our fields and on our plates.
But we can still stop them!

Community Board work begins

Community Board work begins

WI Community Board Meeting, June 7-9, 2024 Three months after its presentation at the Fano Annual General Meeting, the group of our members which has been working for more than a yeartogether to form the Community Board, will meet physically to initiate in the...

The WWOOF meeting in Sicily

The WWOOF meeting in Sicily

For some time now there has been a particular enthusiasm in Sicily when it comes to WWOOFing. In a land that has so much to offer agriculturally and humanly, it is a pleasure to note how the desire to participate and share one's knowledge and experience is growing:...

Good Luck Tree

Good Luck Tree

Our intent is to create a stimulating and playful educational space for boys and girls. A healthy space for parents and the whole community in our area, respecting the environment around us.

WWOOFing in Sicily?

WWOOFing in Sicily?

Aurora and Luca continue their journey, discovering the WWOOF realities of the peninsula and themselves: a month in each Italian region, starting in the South. Their van makes stops in Sicily, first in Modica at Damiano's and then in Campobello di Mazara at Alessandro...

Gathering of Fano 2024: new beginnings

Gathering of Fano 2024: new beginnings

There are things in WWOOF gatherings over the years that never seem to change, and it is a pleasure to be able to carry them on intact over time. The joy of getting together with friends, Federica's fine cuisine and the good wine, the dancing in the evening after a...

Mountain school in the Friulian Pre-Alps

Mountain school in the Friulian Pre-Alps

The University of Udine (UNIUD) launches the "Mountain School" project: the goal is to regenerate the Friulian Dolomites territory by boosting social and economic recovery and countering depopulation. Twelve residential courses open and free for all, including room...

Cambiare il Campo – Peasant Convergences.

Cambiare il Campo – Peasant Convergences.

A Great Peasant Conference in dialogue with social movements.
An opportunity to discuss advocacy, dissemination and strengthening of peasant and agroecological alternatives to the industrial food supply chain.
A dialogue between rural realities, associations, experiences of solidarity economy, environmental, social justice and health movements.

Week of mobilization against new GMOs.

Week of mobilization against new GMOs.

From April 20 to 28, participate in the week of mobilization!
Peasant agriculture is under attack.
The ongoing attempt by Italy and the European Union to deregulate new GMOs may soon result in a wave of genetically modified organisms in our fields and on our plates.

Destination Shepherd: crowdfunding

Destination Shepherd: crowdfunding

Already in the past few weeks in this article we told you about Luca Pala and the initiative that the C.I.U.R.M.A. association is pursuing to save his company from expropriation followed by financial collapse. Luca was then with us at the assembly to tell us his...

International Mountain Cheese School

International Mountain Cheese School

To people who want to change their lives and develop a sustainable entrepreneurial activity. To those who run a farm and want to improve their business. To journalists, professionals and enthusiasts who want to learn more about the reality of shepherds and cheesemakers.