Who’s Who

da | Apr 5, 2011 | Uncategorised

Who is behind the scenes!

Office staff:

Bridget Matthews is the secretary and deals with memberships, the host lists, e mail and telephone correspondence.

Stana Nezval helps with the accounting

Alessandro Bignamini is the webmaster.

Regional organizers:     

As well as the WWOOF council and the office staff there is a group of 40 regional organizers situated all over Italy covering nearly all the regions. These coordinators (WWOOF hosts or WWOOFers) visit and help to integrate new farms, every farm that has joined WWOOF in the last 4 years and many of the other hosts have been visited (and approved) by the local coordinator. As well as this contact with new hosts R.Os sometimes deal with complaints and organize local ‘get togethers’ between the hosts/WWOOFers in their area to meet and discuss various relevant topics and to get to know each other. They and the councilors meet twice a year. The councilors and regional organizers are all volunteers and get paid only their travel expenses.

Eszter Matolcsi & Basil Black are our international WWOOF coordinators and deal with the FoWO issues.


Claudio Pozzi – President

Giancarlo Bucci – Councilor

Mario Gala – Councilor

Eszter Matolcsi – Councilor


Pubblicato da Ale per WWOOF Italia

Contadino e Host nello Staff WWOOF Italia mi occupo della comunicazione e delle relazioni tra soci. Per contatti o per proporre nuovi contenuti webmaster@wwoof.it

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