da | Apr 5, 2011 | Uncategorised

The purpose of WWOOF is to create an interest and understanding for organic and biodynamic ways of living. In addition to this WWOOF makes it possible for people to travel cheaply all over the world and, at the same time, to help where it is wanted and needed.
WWOOF started about 40 years ago in the UK. It began thanks to Sue Coppard (who was at the time living in London), who wanted to organise a weekend stay helping out on an organic farm. Gradually more people became involved and enjoyed their weekend breaks in the countryside and more farmers offered accommodation and food in return for help and enthusiasm. Since then it has grown enormously and now exists in many countries worldwide. All countries with their own national WWOOF organisation are listed at the bottom of this page.

An excellent article which would be well worth you taking the time to read

‘ How To Volunteer With WWOOFs’ by Carrie Thompson can be found on:



Pubblicato da Ale per WWOOF Italia

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