How to find a farm and organise a stay

da | Ago 20, 2011 | Come fare

Contact the farm/s that interest you directly at their contact addresses given on the list and organise your stay.

Each farm has something different to offer so please take the time to choose the farms that interest you most. Don’t send a blanket e-mail to all the farms on the list, when this happens most farms don’t bother replying, all the hosts are individuals and should be treated as such

When you contact a farm tell them something about yourself, why you are interested in offering your help voluntarily on their farm, your plans and what you are looking for during your stay.
Always respect the dates you arrange with your host, if you have to change them for any reason you must give your host ample warning so that they can make other arrangements. Please don’t just not turn up, this can cause major problems for your host (who has probably turned down other people as they were expecting you to come).
Please be responsible and thoughtful and take your obligations seriously.

You should read the Associations charter and internal rules before signing the membership form. There is a copy on-site, and all hosts have a copy.

Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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