
da | Ago 20, 2011 | Come fare


Although WWOOF Italia is a registered voluntary association the Italian visa authority does not have an appropriate visa category and will not issue work visas to wwoofers.
If you need a visa, which you may well not do if you are in Europe for 90 days or less, it is essential that you only request a tourism-cultural visa. We srongly advise you to check your visa requirements on the following website

Italian immigration law requires every person entering Italy (who is not resident in a country in the European community) to apply for a “permesso di soggiorno” within 8 days of arrival.
To do this you have to present yourself at the local police station with your passport and inform them of where you are staying and how long you will be there. This procedure is a formality and most people (holiday makers and business men on short trips) don’t bother and no one seems to mind. Unfortunately with WWOOF and the situation of voluntary “work”, not having the permesso di soggiorno could create problems so please for your own peace of mind discus this with your host and make the effort to get one.


Please note. We cannot help with visa applications or write invitation letters.


Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

Nello Staff di WWOOF Italia mi occupo fra le altre cose di comunicazione. Se hai notizie di iniziative o progetti da pubblicare contattami all'indirizzo

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