What should WWOOFers expect from hosts?

da | Ago 20, 2011 | Uncategorised

A host should offer you basic accommodation and food, you should check before you go exactly what this is as it varies greatly from farm to farm. Some may have a tent only, others may ask you bring your own tent. You may well need to take a sleeping bag. Most have a room for WWOOFers. If you have special dietary requirements (ie vegetarian, vegan etc) or specific allergies (ie to animals) you should check with your host that this is alright before you go. The host should be with you at times and be willing to teach you about organic farming. It is very likely that you will have to do things on your own a fair amount and many of the tasks may be mundane, but a lot of agriculture is! Once again check with your host what jobs you will be doing. If for some reason the situation is not satisfactory for you discuss it with you hosts and if a solution cannot be reached you are under no obligation to stay if the situation is intolerable. Any feedback to us would be appreciated.

Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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