WWOOF Italia annual meeting

da | Mar 1, 2012 | Comunicazioni dell'Associazione

Ciao a tutti

This is to inform those of you that are in Italy in March that we are having our WWOOF Italia Annual General Meeting on the weekend Saturday 10 March starting at 14,00 on the WWOOF farm Pantarei, Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG). The farm is situated in a stunningly beautiful spot overlooking Lake Trasimeno and is an excellent place to see for yourself eco and green building techniques     www.pantarei-cea.it
If you are interested in attending please complete the on line module

The actual meeting (14.00 – 20.00) will be in Italian so if you can speak Italian it would be a huge advantage. The actual programme for the meeting will be sent to you in a seperate e mail We will have a meal together in the evening eating organic food (and wine!) much of which the hosts will be providing from their farms. We hope there will be music too in the evening, any musicians are particularly welcome.
 The meeting will continue on Sunday until 5. There will be a market where you can buy, sell, exchange produce with many products from WWOOF farms.
There is space to sleep if you bring a sleeping bag  and everyone is asked to contribute some food or wine for the dinner. Please bring slippers, as you cannot wear shoes in the conference room, and comfortable clothes as you may be sitting on the floor!
We may also need  helpers for preparations and clearing up, if anyone would be interested to help out with this please let me know as soon as possible.
If you are interested in coming please contact me for the programme as soon as possible
Hope to see some of you there
best wishes


Pubblicato da Bridget per WWOOF Italia

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