WWOOF Italia AGM, PASSIGNANO, 2/3/2013

da | Giu 26, 2013 | verbali


Minutes of the WWOOF Italia AGM. PASSIGNANO Saturday, March 2, 2013


The accountant explained the financial situation, displaying the income statement and balance sheet, divided into income and expenses.

Income: increase of €8000 compared to 2011, of which about €1500 are fees paid without resulting in the issue of a membership card due to unknown payee. Outgoings: There were higher outgoings than incomings. This is the first time that this has happened for the association. There has been an increase in reimbursements to the coordinators because there has been an increase in requests to join, but in reality of €19000 appearing in this item €7500 were allocated to the president for past unpaid compensations. It is proposed to reflect on how to insert this in the financial statements. In addition there has been an increase in expenses for the meetings and an increase in IT costs. Loss of about €15000


2) RECORD/FEEDBACK OF ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY LOCAL COORDINATORS There has been an increase (especially in the North) of understanding and sense of belonging to WWOOF. In the south and on the islands there is still a bit of difficulty, with the exception of Sicily where at least one annual meeting is held.

3) PRESENTATION MAG6 (www.mag6.it/‎ click on ‘Translate this page’)

why we should we have this meeting together:

–  We both (WWOOF & MAG6) want to redefine the world

– Relationship is most important

– Trust is the only form of guarantee

– Mutual knowledge/understanding is the best tool for the evaluation of prospective members 

What MAG6 does: 

– Collects the savings of members who do not want to delegate the management of their savings to the banks

– The interest rate only serves to remunerate the costs of management of the cooperative and not to generate profit for the lenders.

– The projects funded are all of ethical background, without exploitation and without the pursuit of pure profit – do not require financial guarantees (mortgage) but only in-depth knowledge of the projects and the people who want to carry them out

– Projects in difficulty are not abandoned and subjected to forced recovery procedures, but it produces a collective effort to understand the problem by providing advice and assistance. At worst, you try to get back the amount from within the supporting members.

It was voted on and approved for the participation of the WWOOF as lender of MAG6, 2 abstentions, and ALL THE OTHERS IN FAVOUR 

3) INSPECTION IMPS (inspections of farms by the work authorities))

It was noted that part of the problem with the ‘IMPS stems from the fact that not all hosts and very few WWOOFers share in a profound spirit of WWOOF. Giuseppe proposed that hosts are required to attend at least one meeting every 5 years. Many express the need for legal protection. Nirav proposes not to spend our capital for defence against a bureaucratic system that is about to collapse but to invest to give more strength to the association so that it is unassailable.


Claudio introduces the budget asking if members prefer to have their backs to protect the existence of the firm wwoof or wager on expanding direct activities and projects. THE budget is not accurate. Ciro invites you to think in a more concrete way on the budget before the meeting. It evaluates the idea of ​​organizing another meeting to study the budget in more depth. Giuseppe proposed to define a provision for legal (and someone else) and to define a stable or a maximum amount to be allocated to projects outside WWOOF. They all share the intention to focus on the social financial statements rather than economic, to concentrate on the growth of our work in achieving the aims of the association. 


The Board proposes to raise the annual subscription fee. After a grueling debate it was put to the vote.

VOTE TO RAISE THE PRICE: 7 against, 7 abstentions, all others in favour. 


5 EURO: 6 members

10 EURO: 50 members

increase of EURO 10 APPROVED.


Pubblicato da Bridget per WWOOF Italia

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