pigiatura uva

Do you want to WWOOF in Italy?

da | Feb 3, 2015 | Uncategorised

pigiatura uva  picking more piccola  lavoro insieme

The Statute and the Internal Rules of the association

There are two important documents that you need to read: Becoming a member means you have accepted these documents and share their content. The statute is quite long and complex, but we recommend you take a look at the main issues and to keep it as a reference for when you have doubts. These rules state in a practical way the various activities, the rights and the obligations of members. It is good that your are informed of these also so that you can respect and explain them to the other members with whom you come in contact.


Internal Rules

and you should also read this illustrated document to understand what WWOOFing is and ISN’T all about,

Let’s go WWOOFing because we enjoy….

Registration for WWOOF Italy allows you to WWOOF only in Italy! If you want to WWOOF in other countries you can find the complete list of WWOOF associations around the world on www.wwoof.net.


WWOOF Italy provides insurance coverage to our members and it is included in the membership fee. This is valid for one year and only when you are on farms which are on the current WWOOF Italia list. For this reason it is important to consult the updated list on-line, especially in the transition from one year to the next (the membership for the farms expires in December and is not always renewed). The insurance policy is essential because it covers accidents and liability insurance at a minimal cost. Members who are resident in Italy are also covered for WWOOFing activities abroad. For more information please visit the page on insurance.

List without contact details

Here you can get an idea of the different situations available on the list: there are over 650 throughout the country. You can do a keyword search to find what interests you most.


The individual membership fee is €35,00  and is valid for 12 months from the date we receive your fee. Along with the card in pdf we send you the password to access the pages of the website which are reserved for members where you will find, amongst other things, an online list of the farms which is regularly updated. We will also add your e mail address to our mailing list to keep you informed with a weekly newsletter, if you wish.


You can not join WWOOF Italia if you are under 18.

Please note……. For technical reasons it is impossible to refund your fee once your card has been issued. Therefore you should think hard before you sign up, is this really the right experience for you and is it the right time for you to go away? We will be pleased to accept your membership and welcome you whenever you feel ready!


Pubblicato da Ale per WWOOF Italia

Contadino e Host nello Staff WWOOF Italia mi occupo della comunicazione e delle relazioni tra soci. Per contatti o per proporre nuovi contenuti webmaster@wwoof.it

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pigiatura uva