
Inscription for the WWOOF Italia General meeting 2015

da | Feb 19, 2015 | Communications


What to indicate on the form


IMPORTANT: How many of you will there be coming and when will you get there? The bedrooms in the main house have about 6 beds each. The priority for these rooms will be given to families with small children. Everyone else will be accommpodated in 2 other houses about 20 minutes from the venue, nearby WWOOF farms or on the floor of the conference room. Please bring sleeping bags, towels and if possible roll mats or materesses, last year 120 people stayed the night! You also need slippers to enter the conference room.


Will you will be bringing children? Last year there was a group of 15 children under 12! To organize everything so that both children / parents and others can have fun, please let us know their age and bring some toys,
books, games, non-slip socks, etc. we have a room set aside especially for them and Jamin and Cora will be entertaining them! Please bring cots / mattresses for babies
and young children.


Let us know if and what you intend to bring as food to share, for those arriving by car already prepared dishes would be advisable, we are doing all the catering this year so we ask everyone to bring a contribution for
the meal. This has worked well in past years with everyone contributing something and helping with washing up etc during the weekend.

We also need a team to help with the cleaning, please indicate on the form if and when you can help, particularly those of you who are not in a hurry to leave on Sunday afternoon.


Pubblicato da Ale per WWOOF Italia

Contadino e Host nello Staff WWOOF Italia mi occupo della comunicazione e delle relazioni tra soci. Per contatti o per proporre nuovi contenuti

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