Operating rules of the Assembly

da | Feb 19, 2015 | Communications

Any paid up member of WWOOF Italia is entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. Any member can also be represented by another member with a proxy vote (no more than 3 per member)
The Assembly is validly constituted, in first call (prima convocazione) when there are present, even by proxy, more than half of the members entitled to vote, in second call (seconda convocazione) whatever the
number of attending members entitled to vote is. In the AGM resolutions are passed by an absolute majority of votes of the members present and / or represented,


Pubblicato da Ale per WWOOF Italia

Contadino e Host nello Staff WWOOF Italia mi occupo della comunicazione e delle relazioni tra soci. Per contatti o per proporre nuovi contenuti webmaster@wwoof.it

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