
Course for the construction and restoration of dry stone walls – Vesima Valley – Genoa

da | Apr 13, 2017 | News


Course for the construction and restoration of dry stone stone walls – Vesima Valley – Genoa, Liguria.

Practical and theoretical course on building dry stone walls

WHERE? In the hills above Genoa, in the rural of Vesima valley, now littered with abandoned terraces and taken over by forest. The farm Sugarsu host is offering to host the course and offer accommodation for the participants.

WHY? Dry stone walling is a traditional practice which was passed from generation to generation, but which is almost forgotten today. The use of local stone has allowed the natural environment to stay intact. The walls provide an important support to eroded land and they are a habitat for many plant and animal species. It would be nice to bring the Valley Vesima back to the splendor of a time when almost all the land was terraced and maintained.
The course is for anyone interested – minimum and a maximum of 8 persons.
Organisation: Two masters of dry stone walling will run the course over 5 days
Day 1: theoretical basis, the importance of dry stone walls, how to build them.
Day 2, 3, 4, 5: the group will be split into two teams and put into practice the construction of two stone walls with the use of local stone.
The first will be an old wall to be restored: Participants then learn to disassemble a collapsed wall, select good stones and reconstruct the fallen parts.
The second wall will be built from scratch and you will be provided with the information for laying the foundations, from the excavation to the choice of the basic stones, then followed by the construction of the wall also paying particular attention to filling above the wall.

Sugarsu will offer a site to pitch tents with outdoor bathroom and compost toilet; meals including breakfast, lunch and dinner.
250 € including course, board and lodging.
The course will take place in June


Pubblicato da Bridget per WWOOF Italia

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