TERRITORIAL CUSTODY. Ecological Agricultural Engineering: from Saturday 3 June to Saturday 10 June.

da | Apr 25, 2017 | News

Week of study and field work in the wwoofitalia spirit of educating and working together for the alliance between nature and agriculture.

In the Tuscan Maremma, province of Grosseto, municipality of Scansano, Pomonte: Podere Veranello, Giancarlo Buccis WWOOF farm, from Saturday 3 June to Saturday 10 June.

The study and work will be devoted to acquiring the knowledge and practical application of a TERRITORIAL CUSTOMS AGREEMENT between a landowner and environmental technicians. It is a tool that disseminates and employs environmental principles and methods of conservation and design to make land ownership a natural common good in which people live and grow, for subsistence and income, as members of a persistent ecosystem. From a wider territorial view, one moves to the characteristics of the farm to interpret its natural tendencies and coordinate it with the needs of those who are care for it. They collect knowledge of landscape architecture, environmental survey and design, environmental policy, hydrogeology, ecological indicators of land and wood water, naturalistic engineering, natural agriculture, social initiative for collaborative work. With spades and wheelbarrows, work is carried out to preserve and purify the water and to support the spontaneous renaturalisation of uncultivated areas. You work in the cooler hours of the day and study in the warmer hours and in the evening, with times of restful conviviality and recreation. You take turns for cleaning and cooking, staying in Giancarlo’s house, accessible by public transport or viewwoof routes, and eat seasonal, organic and locally produced food. You pay a minimum contribution to cover the costs, looking for a solution so as not to exclude people who can’t pay.

Created by the Wwoofitalia Territory Working Group. Dino Chiaraviglio, Francesco Bifulco, Francesco Francisci, Giancarlo Bucci, Marina Pischedda.

Whoever is interested please contact directly: Dino dinutzz@hotmail.com 328 9023672 or Giancarlo giancarlobiologico@gmail.com 347 8036456

Pubblicato da Bridget per WWOOF Italia

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