l´informazione sul corso.
Il costo per i partecipanti è del 20% dei costi di viaggio.
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HORUELO promotes in cooperation with IEPALA, MPDL and EL BANCAL an international training course, from th 25th to the 30 th of September 2013 in Madrid, Spain, with participants of Spain, Slovakia, Germany and Italy.
Under the name “Participation & Collective Thinking” there are workshops, collective discussions, plenary assemblies, best practices and a get-together aiming to improve more tools to promote participation in youth work, and in a long-term objective, to promote participation among European society.
Under the program “YOUTH IN ACTION”, this project responds to the demands made by the stakeholders in youth work during 2012, in projects like “IntercoNnEction In Diversity” and “Campo Solare”, for a qualitative development of intercultural education and the promotion of active and collective participation among young people and therefore the general public.
The main contents of the course are, an approach to the different kinds of collective thinking, facilitation techniques and assemblies group processes; neurolinguistic programming as a tool to build interpersonal relations, and emotional intelligence as a tool for problem solving.
The concept of “Food Sovereignty” is introduced as a new pedagogic tool for youth work.
Experiential and creative methodologies are implemented through workshops organized by all the partners in the project.
The outcomes are personal abilities for collective work, clear implementation strategies and new ideas for projects.
An on-line platform will be created with the participation of all the partners. It will contain all the pedagogical resources and workshops systematization for public use.
Program.doc222.5 KB01/09/2013, 11:37
per maggiori informazioni
Ana Donaire <anuskilleta@hotmail.com>
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