natura umana


da | Mar 1, 2023 | Dalle nostre reti, In primo piano, Iniziative

The photographic exhibition of Andrea Salvucci at the Fano gathering

We are pleased to host on the occasion of the gathering the beautiful images taken at the “Il Salto” agri-cultural workshop by a particularly sensitive artist who was able to grasp the essence of the relationship that WWOOF members try to cultivate with each other and with the environment in which they live.

This photographic work stems from the desire to investigate the new development opportunities and unprecedented relationships that follow the renewed interest that young people show towards the environment.
“Natura Umana” is inspired by the story of Francesca and Dino, a young couple who have chosen to take over uncultivated lands located in the Marche countryside and to devote themselves to their care and regeneration as a concrete way to live in communion with Nature.
Over the years, the initial project was extended and the “Il Salto” agri-cultural workshop was born, a meeting place where a multitude of people, friends, collaborators and above all wwoofers from all over the world seek an experience of profound sharing of natural life.
Work in the fields, alternating with breaks where there are moments of play and rest, allows young volunteers to access a different, slower life, based on an intimate and joyful contact with Nature and oriented towards re-connection with themselves and with others.
What gives shape to this work in images is the experience of full harmony that the boys show with the environment, a fusional relationship capable of releasing intense emotions, great well-being and inner satisfaction.
A lifestyle based on listening to and respecting Nature is possible and I believe necessary so that that ancestral bond with the earth can vibrate in us, which instinctively brings us closer to the essence of our nature
and to the profound meaning of our being in the world.

human nature
human nature

Pubblicato da Claudio per WWOOF Italia

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natura umana